?? Not sure I understand. Make a boolean attribute and make all the actors only move when that boolean is true. So when the scene starts the boolean is made true.
@kevinjcamps, try to create a game boolean atribute (start) to know when the scene starts. then in each actor create a rule saying when attribute start is true change attribute self.movable to true and in the otherwise, change attribute self.movable to false
then you have other rules in the actor when attribute self.movable is true put accelerate or some kind of movement in the rule
A simple way is to make two scenes, name one freeze and one game, drag the game scene so the game starts on that scene. then on that scene make an actor that pauses the game to the freeze scene. Make the bg color of the freeze scene transparent and then make a new actor called "start"
"Start" rules: when key "space" is down unpause game
Drag the start actor to the freeze scene. If every thing works as i think the game will then start on the freeze scene and when you press "space" the game should start.
I think that you are trying to make the scene start only after the button is pressed, if yes, try the following:
Create a boolean attribute called Start, make it false. After this, put a rule in all of your actors like this: If attribute game.Start - True, put all the actors behavior in it. On the otherwise you put absolutely nothing, i think this will work.
In the game I have been working on I did something pretty similiar to what everyone else has said. I have a "GameStarted" attribute that starts at false until a button is pressed then turned to true. Then when my guy dies it is turned back to false.
If your guys are still moving even though it is set to false check a few things (I had the same issue) 1. check to make sure you don't have anything turning the attribute true before you want it to, and that includes the button you are using to start it. 2. make sure in the otherwise section of the rule that is checking if the game has started to turn the linear motion of your actors to 0 or give it a move behavior set to 0 speed
Here is a video of my game, is this the kind of thing you were thinking?
Finally got it to work by adding the boolean start attribute true and by creating a rule on each actor attribute-game.play start-false. I added a rule on the scene, actor receives space bar down then added a change attribute-game.play start-false
Thanks for all the help now on to the next portion
If moveallActor is true
thisActor moves
then you have other rules in the actor when attribute self.movable is true put accelerate or some kind of movement in the rule
pan_joshua (http://cssgenius.blogspot.com)
I am doing a football type game.
I have created a boolean attribute named snap and added it like you said but the actors still move.
I want the scene to start on a key press (spacebar)/button press. Then have all the offensive and defensive players move
"Start" rules:
when key "space" is down
unpause game
Drag the start actor to the freeze scene. If every thing works as i think the game will then start on the freeze scene and when you press "space" the game should start.
Create a boolean attribute called Start, make it false.
After this, put a rule in all of your actors like this:
If attribute game.Start - True, put all the actors behavior in it.
On the otherwise you put absolutely nothing, i think this will work.
In the game I have been working on I did something pretty similiar to what everyone else has said. I have a "GameStarted" attribute that starts at false until a button is pressed then turned to true. Then when my guy dies it is turned back to false.
If your guys are still moving even though it is set to false check a few things (I had the same issue)
1. check to make sure you don't have anything turning the attribute true before you want it to, and that includes the button you are using to start it.
2. make sure in the otherwise section of the rule that is checking if the game has started to turn the linear motion of your actors to 0 or give it a move behavior set to 0 speed
Here is a video of my game, is this the kind of thing you were thinking?
Thanks for all the help now on to the next portion