Need help with word table search
I was wondering if someone out there could help with this problem
I need to have a table containing words and each word has a numerical value assosiated with it eg.
dog 10
cat 40
horse 60
I need to be able to search this table if someone types horse it show 60 etc,
then he searches for cat and gets 40.
then these figures are added together to get a total of 100.
I have tried to solve this for ages and it is doing my head in.
Any advice would be great.
I need to have a table containing words and each word has a numerical value assosiated with it eg.
dog 10
cat 40
horse 60
I need to be able to search this table if someone types horse it show 60 etc,
then he searches for cat and gets 40.
then these figures are added together to get a total of 100.
I have tried to solve this for ages and it is doing my head in.
Any advice would be great.
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how many words total do you have (or are you going to have in the finished game)?
And are you generally familiar with tshirtbooths word checker demo that will likely form the basis of my thoughts on how to do this?
Any help would be great. I have went through tshirts tutorial but can fing how to search etc.
Thanks again
post here later if you still need help and I'll try later as mentioned above
thanks again
look in the word checker actor for the three attributes. TenLetterWords, ThirtyLetterWords etc and see how they are setup. The typed guess is wrapped in ! at both ends and compared with each attribute to determine if it is worth 10, 30 or 40 points.
thanks for the help man , just in work so will go through the demo later.
Thanks again man
The problem with this is it only works in this set up. That is it only changes the answer from red to green. How can we make it so that it starts off blank (no color) and then changes to red or green depending of the users input?
this thread is almost 2 years old and the table functions have changed since then, you'll be better off starting a new thread
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