Save Levels in gamesalad
I have read many discussion about that but still don't understand!
Help me please i don't know how to save and load levels(
Can you in detail explain me how to do this.
Please explain how to- if I unlocked 4 levels and quit the game ,4 levels be unlock when I come in!
I explain how to work my level system:
I have 20 levels
I have 20 boolean attributes
My levels unlock than I destroy actor
RULE - Touch is Pressed
lvl 2 -true
Than my lock actor destroy
RULE lvl 2 is true
destroy actor
Help me please i don't know how to save and load levels(
Can you in detail explain me how to do this.
Please explain how to- if I unlocked 4 levels and quit the game ,4 levels be unlock when I come in!
I explain how to work my level system:
I have 20 levels
I have 20 boolean attributes
My levels unlock than I destroy actor
RULE - Touch is Pressed
lvl 2 -true
Than my lock actor destroy
RULE lvl 2 is true
destroy actor
So you create a rule that says, if UNLOCKEDLVL is = < than 4, this level is open. Also every time you change the UNLOCKEDLVL attribute you save the attribute, using the SAVE ATTRIBUTE behavior, and them every time you open the game, just load attribute, with the load attribute behavior.
This also, may help:
I try to do this!:)