I want a ball bouncing on the screen( back and forth) like a ball bouncing between two walls.. gradually losing height..can someone tell me how i can do this?
Make the ball actor accelerate 270 (down) with 200 in speed, set the ground actor to not movable and make it collide with the ball. Change the bounciness on the ground to 0 and change the bounciness on the ball to 0.1 or something
Make an actor, (you can make it invisible if you want) and place it at the top of the screen. Add a Collide rule to your ball that makes it bounce when it overlaps or collides with that type of actor. Use Accelerate to choose its speed and direction. You can use rules to make it act differently based on how many times it has bounced.
Ya i tried doing the same thing putting an invisible actor and using the collision rule..but for the ball's initial movement I have acceleration turned on..maybe thats affecting the bounce back. I also tried using the timer for the first inital movement..not helping
I tried creating a rule with limiting the attribute of X position of the ball to the screen and having it accelerate to left and right..But im not sure if i actually did it right..
Use Accelerate to choose its speed and direction. You can use rules to make it act differently based on how many times it has bounced.