pause menu scene not becoming translucent

developer6810developer6810 Member Posts: 139
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I want to make my pause scene so when you pause, you can still see your game in the background, a little fuzzy (translucent). So, I changed my pause scene to color->opacity =20. It doesn't show the pause screen, just stops the game. Why?

Best Answer

  • robert.mccarthyrobert.mccarthy Posts: 165
    Accepted Answer
    I am not sure why it just stops the game, this looks to be a problem with your logic.

    Are you changing 'ALPHA' attribute?

    If so, you should change to a number between 0.0 and 1.0. If you want it at opacity 20, you should change it to 0.2

    PM me and ill give you email address to send game if you want me to look at the logic issue too (hope it is well noted :) )



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