Glass explosion particles effect
Does anyone have a good effect for a glass breaking? As if it were shot? I'm messing about with particles but it's not quite 'right', the fragments almost float about rather than look like glass flying away.
If if still looks ho-hum, you are going to want to look into an animation rather than a particle effect (at least in this engine). You can create this frame by frame in graphic app or use something like flash for or final cut (final cut has many breaking effects that you could add movement to for gravity).
If you want them to fall then bounce for a bit, then you need the shard to be an actor and have a bunch on the scene, out of frame. Then when the action is called for the glass to break you need a rule that calls the glass into the desired position with a downward acceleration, change velocity to desired shatter direction, then a timer that says after 'x' seconds change position to 'x','y' (out of scene), and if you want them to fade out before leaving the scene add and interpolate alpha to 0 over 'x' seconds. I know it's a pain.
I generally use a scene gravity and particles if I know I won't need to change the gravity on any actors at any point during the game.
Hopefully some day they have a gravity attribute for particles and an ability for them to collide. Maybe after the new engine is done. Don't hold your breath.
I'd like to use particles as they are just that bit more random than an animation, but I am struggling to give the particles any 'weight'. If thats makes sense?