This is how to drag a lot of actors by pressing one of them! or make it move beside the touch.

OskarDeveloperOskarDeveloper Member Posts: 533
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have read ALOT of threads here on the gs forum with the same problem! So I thought I can post my solution to it in a new thread so here it is! :)

Just add or subtract the number of pixels form the mouse position to where you want the actor to be.

When mouse button is down:

- constrain attr: self.position.x to mouse.position.x (+ or -) [some pixels]
- constrain attr: self.position.y to mouse.position.y (+ or -) [some pixels]

if you want a lot of actors to move at the same time simply add a boolean attr to the game. Then add a rule in every actor you want to move that says "when touch is pressed turn boolean to true". Then type when boolean is true do this

- constrain attr: self.position.x to mouse.position.x (+ or -) [some pixels]
- constrain attr: self.position.y to mouse.position.y (+ or -) [some pixels]

@creativeapps got a great video on how this looks in the creator!
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