HELP: my game is huge and i need optimization help
so more than likely my game is going to be SUPER freaking huge! like im talking about like huge as F^$( so i was wondering how i can possibly optimize my game so that it dont lag at all... now i have done the whole self.time thing so yeah but im talking that my game is at least going to have 250 images (a lot of them are going to be animated) and about 100 actors. yeah its going down BOYEE! so yeah someone help me please with any suggestions you can please and thank you
Turn off movable on actors that don't move..
You might also want to convert all of your attributes to tables..That saves a lot of Ram, im sure.
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If you can get away from animations for any of your actors, that should help as well because animations are a bunch of images for one actor. Anywhere where you can use a rotate actor, move actor, change color, or a particle effect, instead of an animation, you could change those out.
And solid logic in the code will greatly improve performance.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head...
Good luck!
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