**BallFrenzy Game Preview (First Full Game)**

J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
edited July 2012 in Announce Your Game!
You can play my preview on my website: http://www.cssgenius.blogspot.com.

The game is trying to get the ball to the finish by drawing lines. Press start to start and enjoy.



  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2012
    and please give feedback, anything will do :)
  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    nobody :((
  • shebhntshebhnt Member Posts: 74
    well it seems like you have the basics there but it needs some polishing.

    First, there is no instructions so that makes it hard right off the back as it is not obvious what you want the player to do.

    Second, it just is very plain looking. It needs more to it to be honest. Have you considered making the ball have some design on it then tell it to rotate as it goes down the path? Are animate the flags so they are waving? Change the background and add some more life to it. Make the "start" block shrink, move, fly away, shatter, or something when you do it. Make confetti shoot out when they succeed.

    Third, add a menu, add some kind of scoring system, add something that makes the player want to succeed. it seems also that when you succeed that's it, and if you fail that's it, there is no restart button if you don't succeed and no next level button if you do.

    I mean the very basic idea is there but you need to add a lot more to it. Will there be enemies the ball has to avoid? Areas you can't draw and have to make jumps? Powerups or some kind of other mechanics that can change the whole level around?

    You have a start but please consider some of these suggestions and keep working on it.
  • NovicaStudioNovicaStudio Member Posts: 174
    It really is just the ink tutorial of tshirtbooth. Needs to be polished. In order to make a game publishable, a template isn't the best way. That just makes it so it starts immediately as an unoriginal concept
  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    well it seems like you have the basics there but it needs some polishing.

    First, there is no instructions so that makes it hard right off the back as it is not obvious what you want the player to do.

    Second, it just is very plain looking. It needs more to it to be honest. Have you considered making the ball have some design on it then tell it to rotate as it goes down the path? Are animate the flags so they are waving? Change the background and add some more life to it. Make the "start" block shrink, move, fly away, shatter, or something when you do it. Make confetti shoot out when they succeed.

    Third, add a menu, add some kind of scoring system, add something that makes the player want to succeed. it seems also that when you succeed that's it, and if you fail that's it, there is no restart button if you don't succeed and no next level button if you do.

    I mean the very basic idea is there but you need to add a lot more to it. Will there be enemies the ball has to avoid? Areas you can't draw and have to make jumps? Powerups or some kind of other mechanics that can change the whole level around?

    You have a start but please consider some of these suggestions and keep working on it.
    @shebhnt, i'm working on it, but thanks for the awesome feedback

  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    @shebhnt, i created a title for the game, i might post it sometime soon
  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    @NovicaStudio, i'm working on it, it's just a preview, just to get a hang of it
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