Cannot Delete attribute from Actor

I am trying to do some stuff with targeting and angles. So I made an integer Attribute for my actor. Then I decided that, no, I would prefer it to be an angle atribute. So I hit the minus button and it went away from the attributes side panel. I made the new attribute (and used the same name, saddly) then went to go use it. In the browser at the bottom, the other attribute showed up (so I have 2). So I checked the attributes panel, and there they both were. So, I diecided to delete them both and start anew. I did, but they came back. I cannot remove either of them. Neither are in use, so, why can I not delete them?
To add to this, I can rename them, but even with new names, I cannot remove either. Never had an issue removing Attributes before this...
To add to this, I can rename them, but even with new names, I cannot remove either. Never had an issue removing Attributes before this...