uppercase letters?

developer6810developer6810 Member Posts: 139
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
How do you make a word with custom font with uppercase and lowercase letters? When I make all the .png images, after I finished renaming the lowercase letters exactly as they are (a=a, b=b. etc.), when I got to uppercase letters and tried to name uppercase "a" with "A," it says it's already taken. How do you fix it?

Best Answer

  • JakeMorJakeMor Posts: 136
    Accepted Answer
    name the uppercase letters to something like a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2 etc, and set this up:

    (my letter = the letter you want the actor to take)

    change (self.image) to (self.myletter)..1


  • JakeMorJakeMor Member, PRO Posts: 136
    and have a boolean set up to check if its uppercase ->

    (boolean set up as uppercase?)
    if uppercase? = true
    change (self.image) to (self.myletter)..1
    change (self.image) to (self.myletter)

    that should do the trick
  • developer6810developer6810 Member Posts: 139
    yeah, thanks
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