Reset Variables after Animation?

MADGamesMADGames Member Posts: 12
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi forum,

Just a quick question cos I've been racking my brain over this.
In my game, I "count" how many swipes the user does then when it hits 5, an animation occurs. To do this I made an attribute called "SwipeCount" and everytime a swipe was registered, it increased SwipeCount by 1.
When SwipeCount = 5, the animation plays. But how do I make the variable go back to 0 so after another 5 swipes, the animation plays again?

Things I've tried:
When SwipeCount = 5, Animate, SwipeCount = 0
When SwipeCount = 5, Animate, Timer 0.1 Second, SwipeCount = 0
When SwipeCount = 5, Animate, Change Attribute "SwipeReset" (boolean) to true. When SwipeReset = true, Change Atrribute SwipeCount = 0

Any ideas?


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