Best for optimisation - more actors or more rules?
Hey guys, my game needs quite a few static background images for scenery, houses etc, no logic is needed for these actors they are purely for aesthetics.
What is best for performance - to have many different actors with no rules/behaviours but each with their own individual graphic, (so maybe 10 actors of different trees, 10 of different houses etc) or have less actors (perhaps only 1 for trees and 1 for houses as an example) and then give them rules to detect which scene they are in and set their own graphic accordingly? I'm guessing I could have the rules reference a table to make them more optimised than a whole load of "if level =1, if level =2, etc"...
Any advice or experience with this would be fantastic, thanks guys.
What is best for performance - to have many different actors with no rules/behaviours but each with their own individual graphic, (so maybe 10 actors of different trees, 10 of different houses etc) or have less actors (perhaps only 1 for trees and 1 for houses as an example) and then give them rules to detect which scene they are in and set their own graphic accordingly? I'm guessing I could have the rules reference a table to make them more optimised than a whole load of "if level =1, if level =2, etc"...
Any advice or experience with this would be fantastic, thanks guys.