Actor Won't Display Text - Need Help

brandonjabrbrandonjabr Member Posts: 9
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
In my app I have actors that are meant to simply display an integer I have made. I'm sure that I'm programming it correctly as I have done in many other apps. The app is a memorization game, and I have set up many booleans to keep track of the order of objects that the user is supposed to memorize. (For example if he clicks on the first object in the order shown to him correctly, then boolean "First Object Correct" is set to true, so that he can move on to the second object.)

Could these rules in any way affect an actor's ability to display a basic integer? Or is this just a bug and should I just re install GameSalad. Thanks!


  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    edited July 2012


    Hi, just to be clear: you've made an integer attribute - for this example let's call it Count, and you've maybe made it a scene attribute.

    Then in a Display Text behaviour in one of your actors, you've selected Current Scene via the Expression Editor, and selected Count; clicked the green tick and it shows as scene.Count; and this actor with this in it is already on-screen?

    There's nothing that can go wrong with this if that's what you've done.... but if still no joy, make a new actor and try again, see if that helps; you maybe have a corrupted actor although I do think that's highly unlikely.

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • brandonjabrbrandonjabr Member Posts: 9
    Hi gyro,

    Yes thats exactly what I'm doing and strangely it is still not working. Heres something odd: when I click the small play button just at the top of the screen, ( the one that still lets you edit the scene while its playing), the integer shows up. However, when I click the preview button that's green, and play it along with other scenes, it doesn't show!

    On top of that, when I display the same integer in a different scene, it works again...

    Is there any possible way the rules that I setup are interfering with the actors ability to display a simple integer???
  • brandonjabrbrandonjabr Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2012
    In my app I have actors that are meant to simply display an integer I have made, lets call the integer Count. I'm sure that I'm programming it correctly as I have done in many other apps. The app is a memorization game, and I have set up many booleans to keep track of the order of objects that the user is supposed to memorize. (For example if he clicks on the first object in the order shown to him correctly, then boolean "First Object Correct" is set to true, so that he can move on to the second object.)

    Could these rules in any way affect an actor's ability to display a basic integer? Or is this just a bug. Thanks!
  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    Are you sure the font color isn't the same as the background color? That happens to me some times. Also if its supposed to display an integer and nothing affects the value, it should still display 0. Also try putting a timer in like after .1 seconds, display...
  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    Also why do you have 2 threads, you only need 1.
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