Copyright Q. (will apple approve this?)
Hey everyone,
the current game I'm working on includes silhouettes of characters like mickey mouse, bugs bunny, etc. The images are completely white, and only outline the real character. Would apple see this as copyright infringement? I don't see how this is any different than what the game "logos quiz" does - so would this be acceptable?
the current game I'm working on includes silhouettes of characters like mickey mouse, bugs bunny, etc. The images are completely white, and only outline the real character. Would apple see this as copyright infringement? I don't see how this is any different than what the game "logos quiz" does - so would this be acceptable?
Copyrights are a serious matter, and in worst case you could get in big trouble, especially with companies that big
Mickey mouse is set to be a public figure in 2023 (unless Disney extends this, and I´ll guess they will), so until then dont touch him.
But what you could do, is change them a bit, and don`t use their names. I`ve seen cartoon ripofs with Micky Mouse as a drug addict and with different name, where they made the character look like the originals but with no doubt it`s him. Give him poiny ears insted of round ears, or make him a rat insted of a mouse etc.
Be inspired by disney, but don`t use disney, will be my recomendation. Best of luck
It's good to keep a sense of realism though, in all reality it's very unlikely that Disney would go to the trouble of launching a court case against an individual for making a small iphone game from their own house (unless said game got really popular), but the likelihood is that either it would never get approved by Apple in the first place, or if it did get approved it would probably be taken down pretty quickly when somebody complained.
So the only real advice anyone can give, which you probably already expect, is to avoid copyrighted assets entirely.
There's another quiz out now (in UK anyway, pretty sure its everywhere) called Font Quiz. This shows one letter from a company's name logo e.g Lego. This is a free app with iAds, and he has a button which opens a window stating:
"All logos shown or represented in this game are copyright or trademark of their respective owner"
I *assume* if you make a message similar to that in your game and make it a FREE one, I think you won't have any problems (emphasis on the word assume, i',m not 100% sure).
Still, I wouldn't want to be making a game using Disney and Warner characters, whether it has a disclaimer or not!
They are pretty harsh with stuff that might infringe on Disney IPs.
In mine its black silhouettes and you tap them and guess what it is...
jamie ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Just me two cents.
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What if I removed all the Disney characters? Disney and Apple have close ties and excluding them might prevent litigation... what do you guys think?
granted, I did get them off google, however I changed them into outlines.
converting images snagged on Google into outlines is not really creating your own iterations. as a pro game artist i would severely frown to see someone grab my work do a minute of Photoshop work, then claim its their own work.
you seem to be missing the big picture here, which is not if apple will pass it. its laws you are possibly(most likely yes) and the repercussions that it could have for you. i just don't think its a good idea to risk it. and i don't think its a good idea to infringe on others ip without at least contacting them.
I highly doubt any of the big companies will contact me, and if they do it will be after the game is successful. I'm not really interested in the morality of the act so much as whether or not it would be accepted by Apple. I'm sure Disney's character designers won't take it as a personal insult.
Quiz type games are popular now aren't they, why not take a look at the app-store and see what type of quiz has not yet been made (that's what I have done, and I am in the middle of building my quiz now).
What you want to do is even worse, and Disney is a company that is particularly aggressive about defending their IP and how its used. It's unlikely that you'll even get that far though -- Apple will most likely reject your app outright. Heck, again in my day job, I've worked on projects where we've created some apps for major networking companies and the apps were originally rejected by Apple because we submitted them under our own developer account but they were using those companies' logos. We had to get letters from their corporate attorneys stating that we had permission to use the logos. Easy to clear up in our case because it was legit, but be aware that Apple often does look at things like this especially when you're talking about a large company's IP.
Good luck.