How do I make a moving platform and Goomba-style enemies in Gamesalad?

Harman327Harman327 Member Posts: 8
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey everyone
I'm working on a new platformer game for iPhone, and I'm stuck on something really important and I need a SUPER-quick fix. Just to give you the picture, the deadline for my game is the 20th of August and it is now the 2nd. But I'm going away for two weeks in a few days, so I need this fix really fast. I need to make a left-right moving platform actor, and a goomba-style actor like the one seen in Mario. I would really appreciate step-by-step instructions for these. If you answer this you will also get a special mention in the credits of my game, and I will THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Hope to hear back soon,
Harman :P

Best Answers


  • Harman327Harman327 Member Posts: 8
    Oh god thank you SO MUCH! You, sir, have officially earned yourself an honorary position in the credits of my game :P! I'll send you a message when it comes out. Thanks loads again dude :D
    The Harman :))
  • Harman327Harman327 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks dude, you're the best! I'll make sure to thank tshirtbooth, watched loads of his vids already :)>-
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