scrolling level instead of moving the character

Hey guys first thanks for taking the time to look at this topic here. Much appreciated. Ok I'm new to Gamesalad Windows. I originally tried the mac version but Like this one better in terms of layout. (for like 2 days lol)
Right my dilemma! I have achieved making my character stay still where I want him on the screen at all time. both x and y position. If I click space he jumps. Great! the problem is I don't want him to move left or right. I want the platforms to scroll toward me and using the jump button avoid them. I have tried a lot and my google fu has worn thin.
Do I need to create a new layer for all the platforms and block to jump over separate from the character?
If so how do I make it move across the screen on the left. (sizes are already set up)
I have tried the move and move to functions but it doesn't work. If I move the character when he jumps he just glides in the air rather than coming back down straight away. If I could make him jump properly then perhaps I can have him moving forward (which I have managed to do) If you know what I'm doing wrong some help in the right direction would be great. Even some ideas, I'm more than happy to work it out just I don't even know where to start any more!
Two examples of what im looking for in terms of mechanics is the impossible game and I think one from a gamesalad user which uses just a block actor and you have to jump over other black and white squares. What I liked about these two were the movement of the character and that it can jump without going surfing usa across the screen!
Thanks again
p.s. forgive me if my grammar is bad. I been trying to work this out for about 7 hours straight now...I am sure I should of got it by now lol
Right my dilemma! I have achieved making my character stay still where I want him on the screen at all time. both x and y position. If I click space he jumps. Great! the problem is I don't want him to move left or right. I want the platforms to scroll toward me and using the jump button avoid them. I have tried a lot and my google fu has worn thin.
Do I need to create a new layer for all the platforms and block to jump over separate from the character?
If so how do I make it move across the screen on the left. (sizes are already set up)
I have tried the move and move to functions but it doesn't work. If I move the character when he jumps he just glides in the air rather than coming back down straight away. If I could make him jump properly then perhaps I can have him moving forward (which I have managed to do) If you know what I'm doing wrong some help in the right direction would be great. Even some ideas, I'm more than happy to work it out just I don't even know where to start any more!
Two examples of what im looking for in terms of mechanics is the impossible game and I think one from a gamesalad user which uses just a block actor and you have to jump over other black and white squares. What I liked about these two were the movement of the character and that it can jump without going surfing usa across the screen!
Thanks again
p.s. forgive me if my grammar is bad. I been trying to work this out for about 7 hours straight now...I am sure I should of got it by now lol
basically you need 2 attributes... "number of successful jumps".. and "spawn speed".
make sure they are integers.. Sorry if that is hard to understand.. i know i didint explain all the mechanics fully but its something to work from.
sorry for my poor grammer.. im an artist not a novel writer
another method would be to have the Position change every so many seconds with a timer using attributes. lol and hey.. have something off to the left of your screen that deletes it on collision once it passes by the screen so you dont load up hundreds of platforms.. either way hope it helps!
found this site very useful and informative.. heres something about attributes.
also this might help... so when you jump over the platform.. have a hit sensor right behind it so the , number of jumps can add up