Whoops 0.8.4 Bug - Orentation Changes When It's Not Supposed To
So OK, I'm working on my new game. I have a touch release action. When the touch is released, the screen rotates to landscape.
UPDATE: It's not just a touch release... when I hold the touch, the screen may rotate to portrait too.
UPDATE: It's not just a touch release... when I hold the touch, the screen may rotate to portrait too.
Update: I'm using the poor man's debug again... maybe it's not "portrait" maybe it's a number.
That's something to watch out for though. I had my game set for Portrait... but the landscape right box was checked by default.
Please don't do this again or am going to give up once and for all... we developers really don't like to waste a month or a year making a game and see it going to the trash.
I haven't updated yet but I am seeing that there's no other way to cure my TODAY NEW bugs!
HTH, and Thanks to Mr T!
I think I have checked all the right boxes - portrait and reverse portrait, andset portrait and reverse in the advanced upload settings too, but it keeps autorotating to horizontal the moment the iphone is moved at all.