Remember actor position from previous scene

KCDKCD Member Posts: 24
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Is it possible to have a scene remember the actor location once the scene has ended?

When the scene ends I want the scene to reload with actors in new position from previous sequence or have actors load in a new location on the next scene.


  • MeaningfulGamesMeaningfulGames Member, PRO Posts: 171
    Make an attribute that stores the actor's position.x , and then on the new scene call that attribute and do what you will with it.
  • KCDKCD Member Posts: 24
    I linked a photo so you know exactly how many actors I am trying to move. I have set up a tag for the ballhandler that I will have switch with whoever has the ball. I need the location of the tackled actor with ballhandler tag to save and start the next play.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    You would either need to store the x and y position of each actor in an attribute, or write it to a table. Then you can call this data back in the next scene or where required.
  • KCDKCD Member Posts: 24
    I am not sure how to call an actor back into the next scene. I would like to use tables but kinda confused about how getting them to load to the next scene.
  • KCDKCD Member Posts: 24
    try this video out an drill get you started


    I used this and it helped but I need to have all the actors line up at their relative location on a new scene how can I get them to line up on the next scene. This is becoming more difficult than i thought, big hurdle for me in completing this stage of the project.
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