How to change scene based on an attribute? possible or an impossible dream?

SquareHeartSquareHeart Member, PRO Posts: 69
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Change scene behaviour doesn't allow expressions to drive the change of scene - anyone found a workaround.
for context I have a level select actor (on my level select screen) that I am using to select a level (there are currently 32 instances of the actor) rather than have each an individual actor with a change scene that is unique to the actor - It'd be nice to have the actor change the level based on a self.attribute. possible?

Best Answer

  • AcceleratedGamesAcceleratedGames Posts: 201
    Accepted Answer
    Unfortunatly, you can't do that, yet. The only work around would take up a lot of code and would make the scene load slowly. GameSalad is planing to add it in the future.
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