Growing actor with platform constraint?

cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys,

I hope you're all well.

I'm working on my latest game, and I'm stuck on something, and as always, just putting a quick post on here to see if anyone can shed some light.

Basically, if you touch anywhere on the screen, a little square grows, this is working perfectly, however, the square rests on a bottom bar platform and ideally I want the character to grow and push up against the bar, currently its simply growing which although is correct, it grows over the bar?

On the bar I've got the position fixed, and also put a bounce when colide with bottom bar rule on the square (thinking this would prevent it over lapping and grow upwards of the bar) - however unfortunately this doesnt appear to work either?

I don't think I've really explained it that well, so, if anyone has time and fancies seeing if they can get this working, pop me over an email address and I'm more than happy to share my project.

In the meantime, if I get this little feature working I will post it here (just in case anyone finds this element useful)



  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    Is the square movable?
  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    Try using a constrain attribute behavior on the square

    When mouse is down
    -- Constrain Attribute: self.size.height To: self.size.height*1.02
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