Hi there!

Hello GameSalad,
I'm new to this software and I was wondering where is the best place to really learn GameSalad on the Internet?
I'm new to this software and I was wondering where is the best place to really learn GameSalad on the Internet?
2) in the gamesalad cookbook
3) youtube
I'm excited to see what you publish with GameSalad!
I would like to recommend you to Tshirtbooths website: www.gshelper.com - tons of video tutorials and templates to lean from.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Best of luck!
If you would like to add me on Skype id be glad to help out "Thermoapps" is the username
You can find some nice videos on YouTube just search gshelper
I also have some free templates and tutorials on my site: http://www.thermo-apps.com
Good luck and check out the templates in the marketplace, youtube and the GS Cookbook.
You should check this post for links to websites that many of these awesome users have made to help us.