If people are buying your 'premium' iOS game, why try free-to-play?
Popular gaming site Gamasutra interviews FishLabs Entertainment's CEO and co-founder Michael Schade
'There were definite challenges to this decision. One was convincing themselves that such a change was a good idea. "Myself and a lot of the team members are C64, PC and console players. We're slightly old-school; we pay for a game and that's it. We're used to that."
'There were definite challenges to this decision. One was convincing themselves that such a change was a good idea. "Myself and a lot of the team members are C64, PC and console players. We're slightly old-school; we pay for a game and that's it. We're used to that."
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But I *still* believe that you pay for a game and you get a game.
I play Star Wars: The Old Republic for example and will still continue to pay a subscription even though it's going free to play.
Because 'Free to play' is never actually 'Free', is it?
It just all seems disingenuous to me, and insulting to my intelligence to say 'Here's a game! It's free!' only to download it and find out 'oh, didn't we mention? Only 10 levels are free. You have to pay for the rest'.
I know it's not a popular opinion, but screw it, it's what I believe
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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