iOS viewer rotates screen

karuzokaruzo Member Posts: 35
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm quite new to gamesalad, but making progress.
I was unable to find an answer, maybe because I don;t know how to search for. I started a game in landscape mode. Why is iOS Viewer rotates the screen from landscape to portrait when I rotate the phone slightly. Is there an option I need to set to lock the game into landscape mode?



  • zombiesdrulezombiesdrule PRO Posts: 131
    Under the scene Attributes tab there is Autorotate, untick the boxes.
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    I believe that this a known issue although it's okay in adhoc builds etc. I would say its low priority as it doesn't affect your end users!

    Personally I do all my testing as ad-hoc ;-)
  • karuzokaruzo Member Posts: 35
    I have only one orientation ticked under auto rotate. Previewing the game via ios viewer shows screen shifting still.
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    It's an outstanding minor issue that is no doubt in the queue to be fixed.
  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    it's BUG
  • karuzokaruzo Member Posts: 35
    I assume this is a bug with ups viewer not when you actually running a test on your phone?
  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    I assume this is a bug with ups viewer not when you actually running a test on your phone?
    That's right

  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    edited August 2012
    While this may seem like a minor bug, it actually makes a whole class of games completely untestable. Any tilt based games are incredibly hard to test without this working properly. To say "just make an adhoc build" is a no-go when you are trying to tweak values and need fast edit-test cycles.
  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    That's right, and this bug since version .94
    3 months waiting for fix and it seems that we need to wait another 3 months
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