How to make icons pop up?

bobtheturtlebobtheturtle Member Posts: 226
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, I am building an app for iPhone and so the object of the game is to draw something, " maybe a balloon" and then after you draw that balloon square icons appear (3) asking you if you want it to fly,push,or fall. How can i achieve this.

thank you for your time


  • J_PANJ_PAN Member Posts: 140
    use change attribute to change alpha from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0

    0 = cannot see
    1 = can see

    Hopes this helps :)
  • bobtheturtlebobtheturtle Member Posts: 226
    thanks j_pan, is there any way i can make the icons attached to an actor? like if i draw a balloon, then i need the icons to appear next to it. I can't place the icons on a fixed location.

    If there is some way to draw and then make it an actor? then assign that drawing to do something. like fly.
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