How to add images
With the new software, I can't figure out how to add new images. Dragging and dropping doesn't work and if you delete an existing image and try to replace it, you can't. Then your left without an image like me. Please bring back the dragging and dropping which was so essential to the program. Please hot fix this quickly.
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As I haven't updated yet (and don't plan to for quite a while as I'm in the middle of development and I will upgrade when I'm ready to publish) I have no way to verify this. I sure hope it's a mistake.
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I don't know if anyone else posted this yet but a workaround is to
1. click on the plus and then
2. drag the (multiple) images in the window that pops up,
3. press "open"
and you get the same result as when you dragged it into GS in previous versions.
Saves a lot of looking around for where the images are on your hardrive and.
Lump Apps and My Assets
I tried this but it still wont let me add any image to my game,,,,, I've tried the plus sign and everything, anybody have any ideas, please