Publishing for iPhone requires publishing on Arcade, or what?

PimanPiman Member, PRO Posts: 165
Okay, I am not getting this. If I want to publish my iOS game I click "publish" and it takes me to the gamesalad website. Why? I paid 300 bucks for an engine, why I can't it compile on my computer?

Then there, it talks about "In order to download the executable file for your game, you will need to complete the form shown here. After your game has been pubished to an App Store, be sure to fill in the App Store URL to promote your game on Arcade."... I don't want to have it on arcade and I want nothing to do with this all, what is going on here?

"+26% towards Arcade listing"

And so on...


  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    You don't need to publish to the arcade to publish to the iPhone. Just fill out the form for the iPhone, add your icon and generate app. The percentage bit is only if you want to publish to the arcade as it states. Ignore the bit to fill out the app store URL - that's optional.
  • PimanPiman Member, PRO Posts: 165
    Okay, but what I don't get is why the compilation of the app has to go through a browser interface at all? And why through their servers? It comes across as if my work needs to be seen/stored by them.

    If I buy Photoshop, I don't expect Adobe to require me to publish through their website, or something.
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