Need help with custom fonts numbers

ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I did custom fonts numbers in my game According to this video:

constrain attribute:
floor(( score % self.divs )/( self.divs /10)..".png"
and the numbers are: 1.png , 2.png , 3.png.......
And everything its ok.
But now I want to install another font ..
So how can i do this?



  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2012
    If you mean replace the font then just import your own images for 1 to 9 and call the 1.png etc
  • ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
    No.. I want one more..
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2012
    Import the second set and call them xxxxxx1.png etc and then when wanting to show a particular font replace 1.png with. Xxxxx.png based on a attribute etc
  • ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
    edited August 2012
    But I am using both of them together.
    it's not working
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    Without seeing your code or project it is a little tricky. Try.....

    1. Check the name of your images to ensure you don't have xxxxx.png.png
    2. Put a debug log message just before the change attribute where you change the image and see what value you have!
    3. Can you explain what is not happening ;-)
  • ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
    I didn't understand you, but thank you for the good intention..
    I solved the problem!
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