Need help making an actor non-collidable when player touches it.
I'm working on a game where essentially there are a lot of items on a conveyor belt. I want them to be collidable so the system can get "backed up" so to speak. When the player touches an item, I want it to seem like they are picking it up, and therefor make it free of colliding with something on the lower "layer". All the rules I have tried make the item you pick up non collidable, but since the ones on the belt still are, the net result is I did nothing.
I hope that wasn't too confusing. Can anyone help point me in a direction?
I hope that wasn't too confusing. Can anyone help point me in a direction?
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I get what you are saying, but my problem really comes from having multiples of the same actor that I still want to collide with each other, just not the one the player is touching.
I tried doing it with a global variable as well, and while that accomplished what I wanted, the other actors on the scene then would not collide with each other.
I had an idea where I would have to spawn a new actor in place of the one you are touching, but I want it to be set down when touch is released, but with the second actor I needed to tap it a second time before it would be set down.
If you use a global boolean all the actors would stop colliding when one is grabbed because they all adhere to the on global attribute, however, if you make the attribute for the actor only, no matter how many are on the scene, the attribute would only change in the one being grabbed. Like @ironDan said, just explained a bit differently.
you have an actor made where on touch blah blah, and then "otherwise: collide with conveyor. then only the one you touch will have its collision not activated.
also i was under the impresion that anytime an object is constrained to touch it overides that objects collision by default. i remember a @tshirtbooth tute where he shows how to set contraints to keep a touch to move box inside the scene.