Hey guys! Updates and a hello.... again

olster1olster1 Member Posts: 396
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
So it's been a looong time since I've been on these forums so I thought I would give you a little update on the goings on this past year, not because I was really known on these forums just as a little blog thig for myself really. So I released my last app His Adventure ( http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/his-adventure/id448738557?mt=8 ) in August last year as have only been working on two projects since then. Even though I had a pro account it was my last year in college before I go to uni so I really wanted to make the most of being with my mates and working hard to get the grades I needed. I applied for uni at the beginning of the academic year and my first choice was UCL in london. You have to write a 400 word or so essay to sell yourself to the universities and in mine I talked quite a bit about using gamesalad and all the skills I had learnt and developed. I'm guessing it worked because they gave me a conditional offer of AAA even though I declined their interview because I'm lazy (and nervous) Annyyywayyy I did my final A level exams and I felt like that went horrifically but I ended up with an A* Biology A Maths A Physics A Chemistry. (in all honesty they didn't go that well in terms of what I needed and got b's but it was the first year that saved my ass as I did really well. But I guess thats what you get if you shut yourself indoors for a month revising) So it looks like I'm going to be a London university student in September studying Natural Sciences (it's a course where you can choose to keep studying a variety of scientific subjects rather than focusing on one straight away, keep my options open and all that jazz) So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank GameSalad and everyone that helped me because I really do think it's what I wrote on my personal statement that got me the original offer considering I didn't go to the interview. This Summer I just spent the time getting really drunk and going to holidays ( Magaluf with the lads and Paris with my girlfriend) and again hav't spent that much time developing. Hopefully within the next month I get at least one of my projects onto the app store before uni as it kinda bugs me that I spent that much money and have only released one app even if I have made the money back. I recently had an interview with a website called http://www.parablegames.net/ just talking about GameSalad and development and all that Jazz. Listen to it here

Sooo long story short, I'll be in Uni from Sep, I hope to beck into developing apps after a long hiatus and for those that remember me "hey" for those that don't "hey"

PS It's 4:30am in the UK and have just come back from a night out on the town (Wednesday night is student night) so I realise a lot, if not all of this is really badly typed/spelled/incoherent/thrown together.



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