Match table cell values

gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited August 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Is there an easy way to run a check on a table to see if the value in a cell matches the value in the cell next to it, or below it?


  • master200012master200012 Member Posts: 372
    Well you could do this:
    Within the actor you want this action to run,
    create an attribute (real or text or whatever)
    Then at the top of the actor's behaviors, put change attribute: *new attribute* to (table cell value: *let's say, table1, column 2, row 2*).
    Next, whenever you want the matching action to occur put the following in:
    If attribute: *your new attribute* = tablecellvalue(table 1, and:
    col. 1 row 2 for 1 cell to the left.
    col. 2 row 1 for 1 cell up
    col. 2 row 3 for 1 cell down
    col. 3 row 2 for 1 cell right.

    That should do it. Just make sure you replace any example values with your values. ;)

    Good luck!
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