More $$ For GameSalad & More Power to the User Session

ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
So guys i was working on GS and the interface really annoys me. and i realize that it'll never be updated until months or years later because it must be low priority since it's not going to bring them any money immediately. So, I thought instead of complaining let's do something productive for a change...

FUN $$$ MAKING IDEAS BRAIN STORM SESSION FOR GAMESALAD. Anything goes, but they must be valid ideas... and keep it civil so this fun thread doesn't get deleted. let the marshmallow session begin.(marshmallow session-no idea is a bad idea, and if you don't like it you can only throw the marshmallow at the person as punishment- translated digitally you have the reaction system to respond to each idea.)


  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    I'll go first, please also post in idea/benefit(user/gs) format
    in app purchase for really advanced features.
    low break-in, high level of flexibility and buy features only as you need them, gs can also come up with new function/features quicker because they will directly relate to more profit.
  • StoneclipseStoneclipse Member, PRO Posts: 130
    Multiplayer through facebook/gamecenter etc.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited August 2012
    Great idea @ultima!

    GS Lite - an editor for making prototypes and rough concepts on an iPad. (a bit like that GSbot thing so it is not that original!).
    Build and test apps on the device.
    Develop on the go.
    More like a brainstorming/experimentation platform.

    (I loved the ability GSbot eluded to of all characteristics/behaviours for actors were stored in tables - so you edited table data instead of only visual development).
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    got another one.

    kick-starter like system where we can contribute to a feature, any amount of money we want and get charged when the feature gets implemented.

    for users: feel good about taking part of something amazing, and/or get special treatments/gifts/benefits for making more contribution (tiered giving system like kick-starter) such as a badge for the project that they contributed or a lunch at GS headquarter, or an extra voting point for the next big idea.. etc.
    for GS: see which features/improvement has the most funding to focus on first and know exactly what the consumer wants. attract new users who's looking for a particular function/feature of development platform but doesn't want to be charged or join when it gets implemented..
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Oh someone deleted my comment...hmmmm I must have hit a touchy subject with the GS Gods
  • EpicEpic Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2012
    hey @LycetteBros gsbot still exsits but has changed its name to jango heres the link to the website enjoy.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited August 2012
    Best not to talk about Jango anymore on here.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    So guys i was working on GS and the interface really annoys me. and i realize that it'll never be updated until months or years later because it must be low priority since it's not going to bring them any money immediately.
    You know your ideas might carry slightly more weight with GameSalad if everytime you posted it did not seem like you were taking some sort of jab at GameSalad or trying to ensue a riot.

    I mean clearly you have not watched the work they have been doing with windows or payed a slight bit of attention to what the plan for the UI is. since ….. SPOILER ALLERT…. There actually is one.

    I mean in all honesty the kick-starter Style thing is actually pretty cool. I dont see it happening but its a neat and intuitive idea. The problem is they are going to read the first half of your post and Go. Well there's Ultmia just stirring the pot again. and never actually seen or consider any idea you have. Surely you understand the way to earn someones respect is not to tear them apart every single time you speak. And I know your probably gonna say well they need to earn mine and blah blah blah but guess what? Someones gonna have to play the bigger man and suck it up and start acting like a civil adult.

    disclaimer*my comments are my own thoughts and opinions. Not those of any GameSalad Staff members or the company as a whole. Cheers….
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    this time it's not a jab at GS if I wanted to stir up a riot trust me there would be one by now. =)
    i have not check out what the windows interface is doing and i'm sure it's improving.... just having fun with members trying to brain storm more ways for GS to make money, i could careless if GS takes my ideas seriously they are not paying. this is just for fun. but in all honesty GS has been very very very generous to me so I don't forsee that I'd do such a thing as you have imagined.

    cheers and again let's keep the thread civil. it's not a thread meant to stir up riots again...

    p.s. put your pan and knife down FBStudio haha.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    and i didn't know i could tear them apart every time i speak, but what I do know is i spend quality time and speak from the heart and every time i speak there's recommendations not just useless blurbs. there's a difference. heck i've been out of the forum so long i don't even know half of what people just mentioned.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    I am staying out of the politics...

    Howabout an internal ad system for GS games. So GS games advertise other GS titles and revenue is shared from a referred sale. Basically a GS Playhaven I guess.
    GS builds a tighter/financially bonded community of developers who directly help each other. We all stay using the tool and benefiting from each others commitment to the platform.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    i think that's a great idea, better to advertise our own games within the community than others right haha. seriously this community needs some love.

    About internal ad system since GS is trying to push their own arcade so much, perhaps that can be an option for us to cross advertise on each other's (well the whole GS network) game. that way you don't have a 3rd party cutting into the ad $$ pie.

    *seriously wish the mod could delete all irrelevant topic so we can go back to the proper subject matter here.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    Yes connecting to the arcade could boost the arcade having ads on those pages as well. The arcade seems to me a potential product on its own independent of the GS site. It would attract people wanting to only play games.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Forget the arcade it is useless we need straight HTML5 output to embed in websites then GS could be used to create much more than games it would be like flash. Make it a pro feature and you will bring in web designers too not just game makers. How hard is it to vision out the possibilities with GS, not hard. It needs to be a stand alone software application similar to what flash was. Since flash is dead the new medium is HTML 5 and as a stand alone software app GS could dump the free model and possibly shed the publishing system for a one that does it all on the user side. GS needs to rethink their vision of how to monetize by going to standalone software they reduce overhead and can stick to selling software and not worrying about ad revenue and other such quickly evolving paradigms. This is how all other companies do it. It's pretty straight forward to me. GS needs one focus and that's making and selling great software.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    remember bacon this is an idea session not a complain session. you are dragging some of us down as part of the rebel groupie =(
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    That is an idea. My idea is for it to be standalone softwar.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    oh ok =) i read it again and got what u mean.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    This thread should be filled with lots of positive ideas...come on people!

    (do people know how brainstorming works I wonder)
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    premium support! (oh oops that one's taken) ;)
    idea try 2:
    executive accounts

    a behind the kitchen pass, gets updates on latest development and unreleased access to new builds. extra voting points for roadmap items. and personalized developer page on the gamesalad website with beta testing sign up and developer store. custom feature add-on.. and the list goes on.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    Collaborative Development Environment
    Kinda like the web based portfolio of files. You can create teams and groups of people to work on the same file/production through the browser.

    Shared work environments, workflow and easy international collaboration.
    Could possibly expand to include payment systems for time worked...or something kinda like Kickstart where projects are proposed and labor is committed or completed as a donation.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    that is really cool, it could be collaborative work towards more open source kit of parts. ie controls/ menus sort of UI kit or advanced physics / behavior template. there's only so much we can do as individual. def something GS should consider.. reminds me of base camp or dropbox sort of collaboration tool and then web publish will really make sense... project files hosted by GS, and everyone that works on it downloads/upload/
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    Yes like Google docs - that works well.
    I think the collaborative method is the future but also strengthens the GS community bond of sharing - an extension of the templates and marketplace.
    A really smart system could have incorporated time sheets and budgets.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2012
    re-open the notion of plug-in
    (i think there was in the past a version that showed an area of what seems like plug-in market place)

    with this collaborative idea going. if there's a way to open up plug-in SDK, GS will be more powerful than ever.

    p.s. ur showreel looks amazing. you guys animators/motion-grapher ? no wonder your stuff looks so good. worked with Nickelodeon even, pretty big account haha.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    Yeah plugins are always looking empty - when they settle the application I guess they might open up the plugins.

    Yep we are animators/designers-for many years now. I am hoping to do another Nick project - but they have their issues! Hopefully 2 new projects of our own will be coming from soon.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    Prebuilt behaviours/actions.
    Complete behaviours for objects pre-coded. Can be edited/customised once dropped on an actor.
    faster development, more power to beginners
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