Gamesalad or Stencyl or Construct 2
I want to go pro but I'm not sure which pro account to get ( Gamesalad , Stencyl or Construct 2 ). I've been playing around with all three for the past year now and even though I've been following the great Gamesalad community more I'm still undecided as to which way to go. I want to be able to publish to IOS, Android, HTML5 (but not limited), desktop ( Mac / PC) and to web like the chrome store . I want to be able to have most of my games free but with ads : Android + Gamesalad + ads =
Any help would be great . Thanks and happy gaming

Any help would be great . Thanks and happy gaming
At this time with Costructor2 you can not publish for Android or iOs...exist only the Win7 version...
Stencyl is nice but certainly more complex than GS, and is not very easy to use;
My personal suggestion is: GS the best!
i passed pro without hesitation, but I would recommend anyone to try the free version and do a lot of practice (i have been free for four months) but when GS dropped to $299 i switched to pro and i'm very happy with it, GS is fantastic and I hope that in the future will bring us great new features like advertising for Android and more!
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Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
The best thing would be to try all three tools and see which one suits your needs the best. Different projects may require different tools as well.
I am currently writing a few games that are more appropriately completed in GS due to the tables feature. I'm a fan of both GS & Stencyl but only pro on GS at the moment due to this key feature i.e. tables.
I'd wait a week or so and see what the new roadmap has to offer as this may help with your decision.
p.s. I deliberately missed off discussing Construct2 as it is behind its rivals IMHO.
i find this link compare performance
A review from 2011 is largely useless.
Ive never been on a free GS account i went straight to pro without even trying it! i just looked at what could be made and went for it! loving it so far, but remember its still beta so you can't expect everything rite away, it will take time, and then, by that time i hope to be very accomplished with this software! as should you!
I am with the @The_Gamesalad_Guru on this one.. GS is really fast and cool!!! GS is cool and fast, but you will find yourself waiting for updates that never seem to get here or they are a day late and make you fall a dollar short!
@ozboybrian WTF did you just come from? Well,...welcome back!
On topic.
GS is a great 2D GDK.
Unity is probably the next step if you need to go 3D and are cool with script.
You must be tired @RP his post was from 2012. Lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
If you like make games you have to try Gamesonomy, it's easier and free