Rotating actor with accelaration(gravity)

theastamanatheastamana Member Posts: 6
Howdy ya'all

I am making an app where an actor is moving horizontal on the screen. I wanted to have some sort of rotating animation. But when I do, the actor is rotating its underground and because of that my gravity is screwed up. So the actor is flying anywhere the underside of the actor is(because of the acceleration).
Is there anyway I can have gravity go down(only on the actor) and have the animation anyway?

thanks in advance :)

best wishes


  • MantoManto Member Posts: 796
    Set the angle relative to scene in the accelerate behavior.
  • franklinexpressfranklinexpress Member Posts: 6
    I did what Manto1 said but my actor still just goes in the direction his feet(palm) are facing, I don't even remember where I have my gravity settings, that's how crazy this is making me(not in the scene). Any help please?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Have you unlocked the actor? You might of unlocked it and changed some rules?

  • franklinexpressfranklinexpress Member Posts: 6
    Yeah but once I delete the actor, not the prototype and just drag it to the scene again it should reset shouldn't it? I can't find any settings in the unlocked actor, it's all the same as prototype. Even without accelerate, just rotate the actor moves toward the direction of the palm of his feet, what could this be?
  • franklinexpressfranklinexpress Member Posts: 6
    here is my issue
  • franklinexpressfranklinexpress Member Posts: 6
    Got it fixed, had accelerate in the "otherwise" section of the rule. Thanks for all the help guys
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