Forming a team

CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
Hello coder, talented people and geeks,
I am looking to form a team to start working on a simple and fun game, we will surely use GameSalad.
This team should include:
- 2 GS Developers (I am one)
- 1 Sound Effects and Music composer.
- 1 graphic designer (Sprites and animations)

-Only 18 years old and above are allowed to join (The older the better)
-Previous experience is required.
-Pulling out of the team at any point will cause you to lose any credit (or money) you should earn, so make sure you will receive your money first before leaving the team.

How we will work:
-Every day we will have to gather on skype and discuss the game to come up with a good idea (game play + graphic type + music), after we are done we will be creating jobs/tasks and start assigning it using my task management website.
-Of course we will be available in Skype so any time someone want to ask something it will be easy to communicate with the rest of the team, and it is not a must to be online 24/7th, but it is more fun to be able to find a serious team.

Financial Details:
-We will distribute the "net" profit, meaning we will pay all the expenses from the income and then the profit will be distributed.
-Money will be distributed according to the workload and how active you are.
-I will give access to itunes connect for every one who will join to be able to see the income on daily basis, so there will be no cheating.
-Income will be distributed on monthly basis.

If you have any suggestion or would like to ask any thing please let me know.


  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    edited September 2012
    Do you have a link to your released games, portfolio or anything that can give us an idea of your skill-level?

    And why 2 GS devs? Isn't that a bit impractical when working on the same game (file)?

  • Sounds good buddy, good luck with the search :) one issue I would have would be the profit share rules as it would be hard to determine who puts in more effort, what's harder and the speed of which the work is completed.
  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    My game is soon will be released I am waiting for the animator to make the animation (introduction animation) I can create a small video capture for the game play and menus for whoever like, and the quality of the game and current graphics is rich and good I believe it will be one of the best looking games made in GS :P I just hope, well wish me luck ;)

    Next question, why 2 developers, it is good to have 2 doing the work, sometimes having all the job for 1 person is really tiring, But it will depend on the game we are going to make so, I might do all the development with GS ! or I can lead and someone else do the development, I actually enjoy making things, I personally like having a team to work with and create things, so 1 or 2 developers ( me included) is something will depend on other factors and will be determined in a later stage.

    Last question, to share the money, and how fair it will be, I am a graphic designer (2D,3D), I am a programmer with an advanced diploma in software engineering, so I know who is doing what exactly and how much effort he is putting into a task, if the members agrees, I can decide the share for each member, if not then we can find an alternative way to do it, I am very flexible and not greedy ;)

  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    I am very happy so far, there is one developer who is interested to join the team :)
    any graphic designer, animator and sound effect ?

  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    Current Status of the Team:
    -2 Developers
    -1 Sound Effects & Music
    -0 Graphic Designer (Needed)

  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    You mentioned you where a graphic designer (2D,3D). Why not fill that position yourself? 2 Devs with GS is overkill. Graphics takes longer ( for me at least) that coding in GS.
  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    I think you are right, dhondon I can switch to graphic design, however I dont have good experience with pixel art, so I will need to practice alot before I achieve the results that I want, meanwhile I am practicing it, so If I couldnt find a good graphic designer I will have to do what you said..

  • EpicEpic Member Posts: 89
    @fsoufi are you flexible when it comes to age because I think I could do a lot of great art but im 15 turning 16 and I would like to join the team but what style of art is it you mentioned pixel art but is their any other type?
  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    well, I will not mind however do you hold a paypal account? just INCASE we got a profit from the game, I can forward the money for you? + I am not sure how legal is that I think your parent will have to know about it isn it ?

  • RiffelRiffel Member Posts: 1,272
    HI, I have sent you a private message yesterday!
  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    I replied to you Riffel :)

  • CORE GameCORE Game Member, PRO Posts: 280
    okay, so my first game is sent to apple for reviewing, now I can start thinking and working on the new game, any other people interested to join?

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