Game behaves different in AD-Hoc than in viewers

KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a game that up until today has worked fine. In the GS Viewer and on the Mac the game functions as expected :-) I have just done my 1 millionth Ad-hoc and now the game is not working correctly. I have tried re-publishing and get the same issue.

Any ideas before I send the file to GS for review.

Just to clarify. The SAME project file with no mods works on both viewers BUT works differently on DEVICE with Ad-Hoc.


Best Answer

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasPosts: 2,870
    Accepted Answer
    ad-hoc is going to give you the best results on determining what the game is going to perform like on a players device. If it's sluggish on an ad-hoc, you can be assured it will be slow on a device. You may have to go through your project and do some type of optimizing, wether it be your scripting, or the images/use of timers/etc... causing the issue.


  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2012

    Thanks. Optimising is not the issue at the moment although there is some things I can do :-). The performance in the viewer and adhoc is fine. It's just NOT executing some logic when on an ad-hoc. It's as if one or two of the actors haven't been loaded or included.... Strange.

    I'm on 0.9.93 so am about to upgrade to 0.10.00 and try again. But it seems very weird!!!
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    i had the same issues with loading and saving attrubites. on ad hoc it wouldnt load them, so i had to take extra measures and use an extra load behavior additionally before the intended scene where i wanted it to load. i guess i was "playing it safe"
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    @SlickZero I'm going to give it a go with some optimisations too :-)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    As GS points out the viewers do not give you an accurate representation of how your game with function. Which is why I don't use the viewers. Adhoc is the only true representation of how your code is running. Check your code there is a reason it doesn't work. Sometimes the viewers will still run bad code which is why I don't trust them.
  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    @Slickzero @FryingBaconStudios

    Thanks guys. YOU WERE BOTH RIGHT. I tuned the game a little by conditioning on or off some of my CONTRAINS and behold the game now functions better.

    I'm still surprised that the GS viewer (on device) with the additional overhead was working as expected but suffice to say I am happy.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited September 2012
    Glad you worked it out. I gave up on the viewers many versions ago. This new version 10 runs terrible in preview. It's almost useless. I watch my duel processors go red anytime I do anything even with no other apps running. And the game is only 5meg and few rules running at any given time. I have to rely on adhoc completely. They need to tune up their code in creator! Apple's motion 5 in 3d runs better than GS. Come on I know GS can do better.
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