A Purple Star - New iPhone Game. Launching for FREE 11th September‏ - With Promo codes!

s4ndm4ns4ndm4n Member Posts: 13
edited September 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hi Guys
My name is Sand Rai, I’ve just developed my first iPhone game with Gamesalad which which I'm releasing next week. Imagine Skyrim, Dark Souls and Mass Effect combined into one game…this is not that game!

It’s a simple, fun game where you need to touch the purple star and avoid the non-purple stars. You get points for touching the purple stars and lose lives for touching the non-purple stars. I wanted to make a really simple game that my 2 year old son could play. He loves playing Fruit Ninja and I wanted a game that was simple enough for a child to play but challenging and addictive for adults.

I wanted to attach screenshots but cant see the option. the website is: http://www.raiapps.com/raiapps/Purple.html. It will be released 11th September. Its going to be free (no IAP) with just a few ads.

Heres a few early release promo codes, I'd love to hear people's thoughts.


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