Any Pro users interested in Cross-Promoting?
Hey Guys,
We all know how difficult it is as an indie developer to push our apps out there, which is why I suggest we cross promote. I would like to put together a team of high calibre GS developers and basically create a "More Games" button of our own. Here we place each others releases as a means of advertising through each of our apps and it wouldn't cost us a penny! The problem with us is that essentially we want to have larger sales then the other guy because we believe this would give us the advantage...WRONG!!! This is an adverse method, this whole game is about networking and creating exposure by all means!
Why would you want my game advertised within your game? - Well this is very simple, the larger the network, the better it is for you!
If this is of interest to you either leave a message that's suitable to the forum, or message me personally.
Thanks for reading,
We all know how difficult it is as an indie developer to push our apps out there, which is why I suggest we cross promote. I would like to put together a team of high calibre GS developers and basically create a "More Games" button of our own. Here we place each others releases as a means of advertising through each of our apps and it wouldn't cost us a penny! The problem with us is that essentially we want to have larger sales then the other guy because we believe this would give us the advantage...WRONG!!! This is an adverse method, this whole game is about networking and creating exposure by all means!
Why would you want my game advertised within your game? - Well this is very simple, the larger the network, the better it is for you!
If this is of interest to you either leave a message that's suitable to the forum, or message me personally.
Thanks for reading,
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Thank you for supporting this idea,
I have methods that would allow us to include this button and also allow us to use the awesome PlayHaven!
Now, think about when you download a free game, you see a "more games" button and you know exactly what happens when you select it, it takes you to more games. If your interested in more games you would select it, if your not interested, it magically wouldn't even appear in your vision! I suggest we add a Star/Plus or Corner folded button, that would be set in a corner of your choice. This would more likely catch the users attention, and would be a mysterious button, which would spark curiosity and would require them to press to find out more! This would allow us to keep PlayHaven, without any confusion and also give us a high click rate for a greater exposure, in addition it wouldn't completely tarnish the UI of your awesome game!
Once the user knows what the purpose of the button is, they are either going to use the list or not, therefore it would be better for our games if this button would direct the user to a new scene instead of keeping everything in one scene and lowering the performance of our games.
There are a number of ways we could illustrate the games. However, the best method would be a scrollable list with the app icon and title, and maybe a button to direct the user to a trailer, which would be clickable and direct the user to the iTunes link upon selection. We need to come to a decision upon how the list would be formed, essentially this would be a good avenue to cross promote our own games, so I think its fair that our games be placed on top in a "by the same developer" box, beneath this we should have a second box with "other games", and here I think we should stick to the old fashioned alphabetical order.
I think the new scene should remain sympathetic to your game, so the background of this new scene would be the background of your game, and we just create the boxes to be placed in the scene, I'll work on a template for this!
Lets make this happen!
Off the topic, is any one else having difficulty accessing their inbox?
It hasn't gotten much traction but I think it is an excellent idea either in app or website (or both). I'm planning on going Pro in October as i have a number of new apps that i hope to have completed by then .. so count me in if you need the support. BTW excellent job on the Bejewelled and other demos!
Also another idea for the cross-promo template might be to have it randomly select a certain number of apps to display each time the scene is accessed (rather than a scroll down list)?!?? Just a thought, that way the few could get better exposure and might look a little more polished.
How would you decide to allow a developer into the cross-promotion program? Would you require a minimum active downloads of the game for instance?
I just posted another thread regarding general app promotion tools out there, just trying to figure out a good launch strategy