"The internets are broken.." Not able to publish any platform.
I keep getting this message..
The internets are broken. Please try again later. If the problem persists contact us and reference publish request [3764424a-36b2-4c81-bc72-a152dc65890a].
Is there a work around? Am I doing something wrong? Why is this happening?
I waited several weeks since the latest update to upgrade specifically because I was worried about any problems occurring when I needed to publish. Now that I'm trying to get a project out I'm not able to..
Anyway, if there's a solution please let me know. I'm at a complete loss.
The internets are broken. Please try again later. If the problem persists contact us and reference publish request [3764424a-36b2-4c81-bc72-a152dc65890a].
Is there a work around? Am I doing something wrong? Why is this happening?
I waited several weeks since the latest update to upgrade specifically because I was worried about any problems occurring when I needed to publish. Now that I'm trying to get a project out I'm not able to..
Anyway, if there's a solution please let me know. I'm at a complete loss.
"The internets are broken"...wow appalling grammar which makes me think the message is coming from somewhere strange/dodgy/illegal/suspicious.
Lump Apps and My Assets
I really hope I don't have to wait for a month to find the answer to this....
I'm sorry but I can't believe this is seen as an improvement to the publishing system.. At least when I started to make a build before I could be guaranteed that I'd be outputted a file. Now getting a copy of your project seems to be more happenstance than anything.
When it's time to publish I need the build at that moment - not 20 minutes, or a day later.
FYI, I also sent the problem to support.
I'd also like to add, in case it helps with tracking anything down, that I tried another one of my projects this morning. I've gotten to the point where it'll allow me to download an iPhone project, but I'm now currently having trouble with the provision file not showing. This is a separate issue, obviously. I've ensured the bundle identifier is exactly the same, so I don't know why it's not showing in the field. I've also re-installed all provision files into iTunes. My current step is installing the latest version of XCode.
I see something mentioned before about non-alpha numeric characters. I don't have them in my bundle identifier, but I do in the name of the provision file - an underscore. Could this be causing a problem? Is this something that's being fixed? I know there's an update that's supposed to be coming soon-ish?
Edit 2:
After doing the above I was able to get this second project successfully signed and downloaded. I'm going to keep doing what I can on this end to figure things out and will report back if there is an update.
This latest project was developed on version .9.94 and I just recently, as of yesterday, upgraded to ML and GS 0.10.0 as I needed an Android build sans black bars.
I'll be honest, my first thought was that something was corrupt in the project. Is there a way to look at the project and pinpoint what file that might be?
I know this publishing system isn't broken, other members seem to be using it fine. It just takes a bit of getting adjusted too. The time delay during some of the steps can leave you scratching your head a little too.
Whatever the case, any knowledge you can pass down that'll allow me to get past this will be much appreciated.
I've been able to take the Android version of the second project I mentioned to point where it asks me to sign. I enter the password for my keystore, install some java update that it prompts me too, and Blam! ERROR 3!
I see other people have had this problem but I'm not sure what the actual solution is. I'm going to read up more on it.. but if anyone has a reliable solution could you post a link to that post.
Edit 2:
I would also like to mention that both of these projects exported just fine in .9.94 just the day before. I don't what what could have gotten corrupt, when it became so, and from what reason.
Edit 3:
Was able to Create, Sign, and Download the Android version of the second game. When I received the Error 3! above after I entered my password for my keystore I hit 'tab' rather than 'enter'. That prevented the second field from showing - thus why it fell over on signing. Which I saw elsewhere mentioned by SSS that Error 3 is a signing problem.
I'm to go back to the beginning on this process to see if there's something I can change to get a better result. Please still let me know if you're able to determine what the 'Internets are broken' error means.
My friend had the same problem, I found the problem in the icon:
he used the icon in a wrong format (jpg) with anomalous dimension (745x745)
after several attempts with answer: "The internets are broken. Please try again later"
when i change the icons and i used a 512x512 resolution it work fine.
I found this issue why photoshop cs did not open the image...
I'm not sure that's your problem, but check the format (png) and the size (512x512) of your icon.
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It did. I was going to make a post regarding such but had to run some errands mid-day. Regardless, thanks for helping sort this out.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Whats worng?
Thanks for help.