Why previewing game opens to a black screen with a small square in the middle?
Every time I hit preview to test my game I get a black screen with a small square in the middle. I know you can hit refresh and then the game will load properly but does anyone know what causes it and how to stop it from happening in the first place? Will this continue to happen when people are playing it on their phones?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Any help would be much appreciated!
Its not even reproducible , sometimes it does it sometimes it dont.
I'm sure they will fix it someday but for now it dosent hurt the workflow.
Rest assure this WILL NOT happen in the final build people will download.
It's Over 2 years later and it's still an Issue. Fantastic.
I saw this issue last night. Just closed the preview and reopened, it went away.
This has only started to happen to me in the last couple of months prior to that I have been using Creator for about 10 months and it never occurred.
It is so random it would be very hared to track down. From what I can gather the original GS team didn't do a very good job of coding Creator. This team have spent a lot of time fixing legacy issues and at some point decided to start from scratch and are now writing a brand new cross platform creator due out next year.
So I guess this one will just sit there and probably create other display problems down the track until this software is retired.
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Yep, this bug has been about for a while, it really doesn't bother me, all you have to do is hit back/forward to get rid of it, I'd rather GS spent their time working on other cool stuff than tracking down and squashing this particular bug.
One workaround is to create your game to fit exactly in that little square, with a black surround, then you will never notice the bug, this worked great for such App Store hits as TinySquareWorld™ and MrLittle'sLittleSquare™.