weird collision issue (VIDEO)

3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
heres the video. the items collide just fine (collision shape both rectangle and circle) but after a while they start FLOATING. as if colliding with invisible objects. very strange, take a look:


  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    its pretty ridiculous actually. and if i destroy all the items, the new items still collide float around too.
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    any ideas?
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    i guess i can wait for the new engine to come out
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited September 2012
    Im pretty sure that's a human error rather then a bug
    It seems that you have more actors in the scene (invisibles) that has a collision rules with the visible actors
    Check your collision rules again.

    The second possibility is gravitation or acceleration or the combination of both, also check those rules too.

    I say that's probably a human error cause I have LOTS of collisions in my project and I don't see the anomalies you show.

    Another thing worth mentioning is, how big is the collision area as oppose to the graphics associated with the actor?!

  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    Nope. It's not a human error. As far as I can tell anyways. I have zero invisibles. I'm going to lower the amount of actors being spawned to see if it helps
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    Any resolutions to this?
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    i emailed gs but never got a respond. guess ill email them again.
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Mind sending over the project to my mail? I can take a look at it and maybe find the problem.
    Roysadaka (at) gmail (dot) com

  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    i emailed the project to gs along with the info. i'll send u a copy :p
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Hey man ,
    Found your problem.. see this screenshot:

    See those black squares ? those are your actors called "poofFranken" they have a rule to collide with the "pumpkins" actors , delete that rule and your problem should be solved.
    Also , another suggestion , iv'e noticed that you spawn the particles effect , and thats fine if you choose to do it that way , but make sure all those spawned actors will have a rule to destroy them self after about 3 seconds .
    when "Self.Time" is Greater than 3
    This way you dont build up too much RAM of unused actors .


    Dont want to say "i told you so" but.... i told you so ... its a human error :)>-
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    this was a teammates error. thanks for finding it. i assumed he listened to my instructions so therefore i "knew" it wasnt' a human error. :p

    nice trick using the "opaque" on the actors.. i should of thought of that. u learn something new everyday :)
    thanks for noticing the particle not destroying either. i gotta tell you this is why i prefer to work alone sometimes :/

    funny thing is, this app isn't even a major app (i do those :p) but this ghost bouncing thing was kinda ironic (halloween and all that) and pretty mind boggling lol thanks again dude.
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