Texted Based Adventure

JamwithnoJamwithno Member Posts: 312
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

been a long time since I've been on these forums, and even with school and summer stuff, GameSalad, and game making in general, have been in the back of my mind. For a long time Ive been playing retro games, specifically the old Infocom games, like Zork, and have been wanting to bring those back, without taking fifty-five years to hard code all of "brains" of the computer, and GameSalad is (I think?) the perfect way to do it.

So, two questions. 1) Is a text based adventure something that is even doable in GS? I mean, can it have the same level of depth that games like Zork had? and 2) Would you guys even be interested in buying games like that?

Thanks for even reading this, means alot :)


  • LuckyLurcherLuckyLurcher Member Posts: 343
    Would I buy one? No- there are loads of free ones out there already.

    I think that it would easily fit in one scene with tables. These games fit in 32k and less computers from the 1970s and 1980s. I'm working on a point and click adventure with lots of text right now (about 95% done). Have you watched the 'Get Lamp' documentary? It's very good if you are into text adventures. Also check out http://www.ifcomp.org
  • JamwithnoJamwithno Member Posts: 312
    Thanks so much for the feedback. The website that you recommended was great that is something I will certainly look at. Also I haven't really been able to learn tables on my own, does anyone have any tutorials on how to use tables?

    Again thank you LuckyLurcher
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