A Quick Hello and Thank you to all of GameSalad

DankStewDankStew Member Posts: 36
edited November -1 in Introductions
Hey, just wanted to introduce myself here. I've been reading the forums for a while now, following along with the templates, and trying out my own stuff. It's been a real experience for me, learning all about something I've always wanted to do but always thought was too difficult to even know where to start (enter Gamesalad).

I wanted to give a quick shout of thanks to all of the people who have made so many awesome posts and given such help to those of us who are less inclined or experienced with the whole "programming" aspect.
So, thanks to Weswog, quantumsheep, firemaplegames, scitunes, CodeMonkey, HunnenKoenig, and anybody else I might have forgotten to give kudos to! All of you have really made working with Gamesalad a breeze.

I don't have anything finished yet (don't feel like publishing my versions of the free templates) but I have several Iphone and Ipad games and apps in various stages of development. I'm using my own free time on this too, so it can be a crap shoot finding any time to get some stuff done.

Thanks again for everything! GameSalad rules!


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