Actor falls though moving platform
I have a platform that moves up and down. My actor travels up and down on it and can still move and jump as it should. My problem is I have a bug when the actor is on the moving platform and i keep pressing jump repeatedly sometime after jumping the actor falls though the platform. Any Ideas how to stop this?
When Attribute game.jump is true
Change attribute game.jumped to true
Change attribute game.jumpcount to self.jumpcount+1
When self.jumpCount
When Attribute self.jumpcount >1
Timer after 3 seconds "run to completion
Change Attribute self.jumpcount to 0
When Actor recieves event overlaps or collides with actor with tag platform
Change Attribute game.jumped to false
Change Attribute self.JumpCount to 0
Thanks for the replys btw
When (Actor1.Y - Platform.Y) < 50, then change attribute self.motion.linear velocity.Y to 400.
I remember trying to get extra collision in there, but that only made the performance worse. Honestly, I just don't think GS is capable.