I'm very new here

I just got my gamesalad account! Hi I'm Techwolf77! I'm very new to this so where do I post my issues? I have no idea how to edit a background and no tools are showing up like undo and redo! so if you know how to help me I will post this in the proper place!
You pretty much posted in the right place, if you want the exact right place to post when you have a question, instead of making a New Discussion you can Ask a Question, which can be accessed using the little down arrow next to the New Discussion button.
To start off I advise you to check out these websites, they will be your best friends for the gamesalad learning process:
You will quickly figure out how awesome @tshirtbooth is!
Best of luck! And I'm excited to see the games you will create!
Welcome! I think!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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