Having issues displaying attributes with "Log Debugging Statement"

//Sorry for double post, put this in general discussion before realizing it probably belongs here in questions
Hi there,
I'm only two days into using Gamesalad so I hope this isn't a dumb user error on my part.
When I use the "Log Debugging Statement" action it works fine with ONLY plain text. But, if I try to display the value of an Attribute pulling it through the expression evaluator it display's nothing but the Actor type as the source ex.: "mouseListener: " even any plain text I include in the statement with the attribute gets wiped out too.
These Log statements are in Rules within Prototypes if that makes any difference, they need to be as the Actors are being spawned mid game. I've tried referencing Actor and Game level attributes to the same effect.
I'm still very early stage with experimenting with some game ideas but the lack of being able to see values is concerning.
Looking over forum posts it seems to be functioning fine for other users, so I'm not sure where the issue lies.
Hi there,
I'm only two days into using Gamesalad so I hope this isn't a dumb user error on my part.
When I use the "Log Debugging Statement" action it works fine with ONLY plain text. But, if I try to display the value of an Attribute pulling it through the expression evaluator it display's nothing but the Actor type as the source ex.: "mouseListener: " even any plain text I include in the statement with the attribute gets wiped out too.
These Log statements are in Rules within Prototypes if that makes any difference, they need to be as the Actors are being spawned mid game. I've tried referencing Actor and Game level attributes to the same effect.
I'm still very early stage with experimenting with some game ideas but the lack of being able to see values is concerning.
Looking over forum posts it seems to be functioning fine for other users, so I'm not sure where the issue lies.
"Text within quotes"..game.attribute
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"My coords are: " self.position.x "," self.position.y
What do i put between them to concatenate and print something like:
"My coords are: 312,21
You would replace game.attribute with the attribute(s) of your choice.
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