Breakout Game - Working with Gravity

CluvCluv Member Posts: 229
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

I am making a simple Breakout game for little kids to put inside of my app as a diversion from the "work" part of the application. I would like to have a rotating object in the center of my scene that will send the pinball in random direction when the ball strikes it. However, because I have gravity on, I can't seem to find a way to rotate it without it looking like it is "floating" in space instead of being "pegged" in place. Does anyone know how to work around this?

Thanks for your help!



  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    edited September 2012
    I am not sure I understand your question completely, but I made a "windmill" like object by constraining the actors X & Y and then adding between 200-400 angular velocity in the "Physics" of the actor to make the mill spin.
  • CluvCluv Member Posts: 229
    @3itg: constraining the x&y to the rotation?
  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    Nope, not the rotation. I just wanted it to stay in one place, and spin in a circle.
    something like:
    constrain attribute self.position.x to 250
    constrain attribute self.position.y to 250
    then to make that actor spin, I added angular velocity...
  • CluvCluv Member Posts: 229
    OK Cool. I will try it out. Thanks!
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