Thank you GameSalad team

AdventuregoatAdventuregoat Member Posts: 10
edited September 2012 in Introductions
Didn't see a general feedback category, so I guess this is a good place...

I have only been working with GameSalad for about three weeks and I am extremely happy. I am an artist and animator and this program is a dream come true! The program just makes sense to me, and the integrated physics engine is brilliant!

I have worked in a few other programs, but with those I hit walls that only complex programming could hurdle. GameSalad has enabled me to build so many play mechanics in such a short amount of time. Every time I get a new mechanic up and running I say to myself "I can't believe this is happening! Everything is coming together!"

I'm actually loosing sleep over my excitement. HaHa. I can't wait to start building my art assets and building levels!

Thanks so much everybody!

Extremely happy guy

P.S. if pixel collision/custom collision masks does eventually get implemented, I would smile for two days straight and probably scare people.


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