How to detect a sudden shake of the device? (if possible)

carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Can gamesalad detect a shake? It must since it has the accelerometer.. I just don't know how this would be implemented. Would it simply be done using a high sensitivity with the accelerometer?



  • carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
    @uptimistik Fantastic! Thanks!
  • PuzzledPuzzled Member, PRO Posts: 6
    edited August 2014

    Is there anyway to make this more sensitive?

    I have it all set to 0; I am also testing for X,Y and Z but it still requires vigorous shaking to detect that it has been shaking, I have tested it on multiple devices.

    I have attached a screenshot of my rules,


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