Updated iPad SDK Released - GameSalad Publishing Server Updated!

Apple has released their updated iPad SDK and, in turn, we here at GameSalad have updated our publishing server with the new GM Seed build.
So, for those of you already hard at work using GameSalad for iPad devleopment, you now have everything you should need to get an game published to the iPad store. Also, for those of you who have already received a preliminary approval from Apple and need only to compile your project using the updated SDK, the publishing server is ready and is anxiously awaiting your submission.
So, for those of you already hard at work using GameSalad for iPad devleopment, you now have everything you should need to get an game published to the iPad store. Also, for those of you who have already received a preliminary approval from Apple and need only to compile your project using the updated SDK, the publishing server is ready and is anxiously awaiting your submission.
Now big question, what do we do if Apple removed our app from sale and there's nowhere to do an update?? Do we submit the binary and add the iPad app as a new application??
im about to give it a go!!
Then the one that was rejected, I just replaced and updated the binary for that, and it went straight into review! Good luck guys!
EDIT: Also got another email on the iPad app that had no option to upload, and now it does, so hang in there, and apple should fix it up soon, check back with ITC if you don't already have automated emails being sent into your account
I had same problems with my first game and in the end I removed all the apple dev configuration and followed the gs wiki step by step and it worked ok.
If I publish my iphone games, they work without problems in adhoc and in appstore. No error, so the certs and provisionings are not bad, I would assume.
Ok, I know what the problem is.
You can't use UTF-8 characters in the title.